Episode 37 - Exploring Happiness the Novel

This episode uses the book Happiness by Aminata Forna to explores a wide variety of ideas and concepts around conflict. This wide ranging discussion touches on trauma and growth, conflict cycles, polarization, conflict roles and human-animal conflict.


If you are the kind of reader who hates spoilers please read the book before listening to the episode.

Here are links to the past episodes mentioned in our discussion.

Lorraine Segal - Episode 28 - Spotlight on Boundary Setting

Julie Daum - Episode 6 - Giving Feedback

C.D. and Amanda read the book as part of CoRe Reads 2018. A huge Thank You to Julie Daum for suggesting the book, Darsey Meredith and Aaron Leakey for participating in the dialogue and Wendy Lakusta for facilitating the collaborative discussion.

You can see the video of the collaborative process here

Did you enjoy being part of our book club? Want more? Aaron Leakey is facilitating a new monthly group Reading Conflict with the first discussion starting March 11, 2019