Together for Peace: Respect, Safety & Dignity for All
Overthinking Conflict is putting together a special episode for
UN International Peace Day - September 21, 2017
Tell us what this year's theme means to you or send us your story.
Email your audio file to, or share a dropbox file with
We would love to be able to feature a wide variety of voices and experiences!
Audio Guidelines
Recording need to be received before September 15, 2017 to be included
Recordings should be 30 sec - 2 min
Please send a full quality voice file, MP3 or MP4 format is ideal.
You do not need any special equipment, a voice memo recorded on your phone can have good sound quality with just a few easy steps.
1. Record somewhere quiet
2. Be still
3. Speak with you mouth about 6in or 15cm away from the microphone
We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you, Amanda and C.D.
Find more information about the podcast and listen to past episodes here